Wait a minute — croquet?
No, not that croquet, not the backyard game, U.S. Croquet Association games.
“Most people think of the backyard game, but the United States Croquet Association game we play in the Rochester Croquet Club uses professional equipment,” Sue Sherer said.
“What you’ve played on someone’s lawn is the easier game of 9-Wicket, with the goal of getting your ball through all the wickets. For the American Rules game, the lawn layout is different and it’s very much a game of finesse,” Sherer said. “People who are good at chess and who can think ahead several plays — people good at billiards who understand banking and angles and topspin — they’re very good at the game,” she added.
Come on out, noon-3pm on Sunday, July 30th , for an interactive program presented by the Rochester Croquet Club. Enjoy an ice cream cone or a cold drink while you watch a match – or participate yourself! Dating back to the 1800’s, like the Granger Homestead itself, the game of croquet is still “rolling strong” in the 21st century.
Admission to the mansion and carriage museum is free noon-3pm, as well, so there’s even more reason to join us for an afternoon of history fun!

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